
Analyze files without looking through them

Nex saves time and energy for management consultants by using AI to read, understand, and pull insights from files.

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Backed by Nvidia InceptionBacked by AWS Startups

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Super snappy search,
across all your data

Search through your entire database of files and folders using keywords, filters, and powerful semantics. Find exactly what you need everytime. Remember a file's content but not its name? Not a problem anymore.

Nex AI Data Search Benefit
Nex AI Data Reference Benefit

Answers based in fact,
with references to your data

Stay on top of exactly what information AI referenced to answer your question. Ever wondered where AI answers are coming from? With Nex, the answers are grounded in information found in your files. Now you know.

Leverage our module-based data processing.

We built a pipeline to process files that consultants commonly deal with, so AI can understand the data those files contain.


Data from your desktop, CRM, and cloud drives flows into our software.


Our AI labels your data, considering file format, data structure, and such.


We further enrich your data to reflect its content and case usefulness.


The data is then intelligently broken down into easily accessible modules.


We store it in a speedy secure database (could be on-premise).


You ask Nex to write, tabulate, and visualize with your data in mind.

Your unique advantage

Our uniquely designed algorithm increases the accuracy of AI-generated outputs when used with your data.

Raw to ready


Works with every AI

OpenAI GPT AI ModelHuggingFace Open Source AI ModelGoogle Gemini AI Model
Insanely great

Knowledge retrieval

Robustness you can trust


For even tigher

The consultant's AI.

Consultancy is transforming with the rise of Generative AI. We believe this technology should be used to unlock greater productivity, better work-life balance, and the ability to spend time on more meaningful tasks.

Nex AI Software
"[AI will help with] delivering more client and actual billable work"
XpertiseNow, October 2023
"[Time saved with AI] will create upskilling opportunities"
Ernst & Young, June 2023
"[AI will help with] improving knowledge management."
Forbes, November 2023

Get started real quick

Begin your pilot through a discovery call with our founders. We'll tailor your data onboarding process, and guarantee you can learn the software in 15 mins.